Welcome to York Peel Chiropractic Society
We would like to extend an open invitation to all chiropractors to attend a YPCS meeting. Our society respects all chiropractic techniques and philosophy. Our meetings are informative, educational and empowering.
We encourage discussion and support between members. It is our intention to create a friendly and positive environment for all chiropractors to grow personally and professionally. Our members are supportive and helpful.
Our goal is to strive for excellence in the true “spirit” of chiropractic. This can happen only when we have a unified voice If you would like to attend a meeting or require further information please do not hesitate to contact our membership director.
Membership: annual fee $250.00. Includes all rights and privileges as mentioned below.
First Year Doctors: We have a special fee for first year doctors of $100.00, including all the rights and privileges of a Gold Member.
Click Here for Registration Form
Benefits of YPCS membership:
- Empowering monthly meetings
- Keynote speakers
- Valuable Continuing Education credits
- Chiropractic share sessions
- Sharing of society resources
- Keeping abreast of current developments in chiropractic
- Liaison with the OCA, CCA, CCO, CMCC, and other societies
- Spinal health week promotion
- Chiropractic Christmas cards
- Scholarship awards at CMCC
- Internet web hosting
- Annual seminar attendance
- Fellowship: Year end social, Annual Christmas party & Summer Pool Party
- Mentoring
For membership enquiries contact:
Dr. Paul Grittani
Phone or fax 416-652-1849
Email: paulgrittani@on.aibn.com